The Mountain Is You By Brianna Wiest
I came across this book during a time in my life where I felt lost. It took months to finish the book, not because it is a hard read, but because the concepts throughout were ripping off the band-aids on wounds that I didn’t think were healed yet. But come to find out, they were- I was just so used to being hurt that I wouldn’t accept it.
We have complete control of our lives, even in the times it feels like we don’t. The people we surround ourselves with, the feelings we hold onto, the thoughts going through our head, and the situations we stay in- that is all up to us. I will be the first to say there have been plenty of times that I felt I had no control of my life- I was simply on the outside looking in. Looking back, every moment in my life where I felt that I wasn’t in control, there was one or two decisions I could have made for myself to ultimately bring me back to that sense of peace. No matter what stressful situation we are in- the more we act on what we know will make us truly happy, the more peaceful we will be.
Most of the hardships and worries you have racing through your mind every day are placed there by YOU. We can’t control our external situations, but we do get to control our internal reactions. The circumstances we are in put immediate emotions and thoughts in our head, but those first knee-jerk reactions aren’t always accurate or in our favor. We are allowed to dissect what we are thinking and feeling to choose what will bring us the most satisfaction and peace in our lives.
The only problem is, as humans we are comfortable with where we are at, regardless of if it is healthy or not. I thought for so long that I would never be capable of doing the things I dream of, or even have the voice to speak up for it. I stayed in situations that stopped giving me any peace or got me closer to the life I wanted to live. But, to live the life you want, you are going to give up the life you have- and that lesson was hard for me to learn. The thoughts I held onto, who I surrounded myself with, and what I put my energy towards had to change. I learned to speak up for myself, even it was towards myself.
Once I finally made the decision to let go of the things that weren’t bringing me joy and contentment, my life changed in ways I only dreamed of. I had a passion for life and glowed on the inside and out. I learned to dissect my thoughts as they came to me and focus on the greater good.
You are supposed to enjoy your life, and taking care of yourself is a great first step. Break the habits that hold you back and don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself to actively create the life you dream of. The simplicities that bring you peace should be integrated into every moment of your life, and everything that surrounds you or even the thoughts that come into your head should build that up, not break it down.
“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” -William Ernest Henley